It is important that parents either screen movies before their children see it. It is also important that they understand their children well enough to know whether their child will react well to certain scenes of higher intensity in certain films. For busy modern parents without time to see every movie their child is interested in, but who want to know more about the movie in order to better improve them now have a great web site resource.
We enable adults to determine whether a movie is appropriate for them or their children, according to their own criteria. Unlike the MPAA we do not assign an inscrutable rating based on age, but 3 objective ratings for SEX/NUDITY, VIOLENCE/GORE & PROFANITY on a scale of 0 to 10. We also explain in detail why a film rates high or low in a specific category, and we include instances of SUBSTANCE USE, a list of DISCUSSION TOPICS that may elicit questions from kids and MESSAGES the film conveys. Again, unlike the MPAA, we do not make age-specific recommendations. Since our system is based on objective standards, not the viewer's age or the artistic merits of a film, we enable adults to determine whether a movie is appropriate for their children according to their own criteria...
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