Thursday, March 25, 2010

Made to Order

The Cat in the Hat uses 225 different words.

Dr. Seuss' publisher, Bennett Cerf, wagered $50 that the author couldn't reduce this total to 50 in his next book.

So Seuss produced a new manuscript using precisely 50 words, and collected the $50.

The book was Green Eggs and Ham.

See the original entry.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Honoring Soldiers And Their Families

One of my friends, a soldier named Ryan Keeter, is featured in the video on the following page. Go to Springfield, Illinois WICS ABC 20 Newsroom. This quote is from that page.

The freedoms we enjoy often come from the sacrifices of the men and women in uniform. But many times the mission abroad leaves the families back home with their own struggles.

Sunday the National Guard paid tribute to the contributions of both the troops and their loved ones.

ABC News Channel 20's Mike Brooks takes a closer look.

Monday, March 01, 2010


Here's a riddle for you to guess.

A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and points it at him. The man says "thank you" and leaves. Why did the man thank the bartender?

ANSWER: The man had the hiccups and the water helped him stop it, and the gun scared him which also help stop his hiccups as well.